Off The Beaten Path

My photo
Georgia, United States
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.

Thursday, March 20

Color of Silence

"Silence is golden, duct tape is silver!"

I read this over at Libby's, made me smile. Think about it for a minute, it will have you laughing. Or at least it did me. I guess we all have a bit of a funny bone, even those of us who seem to have no perceivable sense of humor.


Lo Kelween said... about bronze?? LOL :)

Neoma said...

Hi Elween, how are you doing. Kids driving you crazy yet? My grandson will be here in May, he is almost four, he is quite a little "live wire." It is fun to have him here for a visit, but don't think I could handle a whole classroom full of 'em.

Everything okay in your life, family and friends. I haven't been blogging on a very regular basis lately, so I need to come over and read down your page and catch up on what you have been doing lately.

Anonymous said...

I may just put this on my classroom wall next year when I return to teaching th grade!

Anonymous said...





Akelamalu said...

LOL that tickled my funny bone too Nea. x

Neoma said...

Hi get the full effect, I suppose you need to keep a roll of duct tape prominently placed near your that considered bad humor. I don't know, it just seemed really funny to me, but then you have to understand, I have four kids living across the street and four next door, and they are screamers..........I am just getting old and crochety....but I never let my kids scream like that.

Neoma said...

Hi akela, haha, some will find it funny, others will not, but I am glad that you do. It really struck me funny. Well Maybe because not to long ago, we were trying to watch a movie, Ana, Nick and I, and Nick is a chatter box, he talks through the whole movie, until you want to "duct tape his mouth." I told him, Nick, I think I can find some tape and take care of that problem for you....he didn't think it was funny.....but Ana did. I was only half kidding......