Off The Beaten Path

My photo
Georgia, United States
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.

Thursday, February 18


It seems we get to a point in life when all around us, the people we love begin to die. It is a very sad and depressing time.

My Mother passed away from congestive heart failure on Jan. 23 after a very brief illness. And my cousin who was just my age, well a bit older, but not a lot, also passed away from a heart problem in Jan. And today I learned that Dr. John, an internet friend that I met here on blogger several years ago, recently passed away. I am beyond sad, my heart is very heavy right now.......numb makes me just want to go off by myself, and cry.....

I hate to lose people I love, I just hate it......


Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

It has been a pretty rough Winter for some. You be strong Nea, I've asked that Angels be sent to watch over you.

Neoma said...

I am thinking of Betty right now, how hard this must be for her, she and Dr. John were married for a very long time.....I know she must miss him terribly.

Thank you Bill......hard times for all I guess.....losing the people we love is very very hard.

Avus said...

Oh, Nea! What a great number of losses to bear. Mother and cousin both with heart problems - I hope you keep an eye on (should that be ear on?) yours, my dear. I have read comments from Dr John on your site, so know how close you were.
Thinking of you...

Neoma said...

The last couple of years have been very hard. I have been losing Aunts and Uncles at an alarming rate. We once had a large family, and now there is only one aunt left. I lost both my parents recently, also. It puts you in a serious depression for awhile, especially when you can't get outside to commune with nature....I will drop over often to see your wonderful bike trips I find them very sure and post lots of pictures....I just love them.