Off The Beaten Path

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Georgia, United States
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.

Wednesday, October 29


I just have to post a picture of my Tropical Hibiscus.   I will soon have to bring it in for the winter,  they can not take the cold.  Once the temperatures get below 50 at night it won't like to be outside.  Right now I take it in at night and then push it back out during the daytime.

1 comment:

Ginco said...

Hi Nea,, how I love the Hibiscus flower - especially the red one. I guess it holds many good memories of my life way back when in South Africa.
Here in Switzerland it's a Mission finding the red one - - plenty of pink and lilac Hibiscus flowers to be sold in the nursery.
Living in Europe for over 40years is something I have to get use to -- Removing plants from the garden into the Basement so it doesn't freeze away. We have an Orleander tree/bush, Lemon tree and a beautiful Fuchia, all must be packed away for Winter. I guess it's because our Wintertime in SA is so mild that all this sounds strange to me... nevermind, (hee hee) I'm slowly getting use to it. Your pink Hibiscus is indeed a Beauty!!!!!! Take good care dear Girl. Ginco aka Libelle.